Pacing Your Marriage


It is impossible to be involved with people and not be busy. How do you figure out how busy you should be as an individual or as a couple? How do you find balance between underachieving and burning out?

It begins with finding your pace. In Bill’s book, 10 Best Decisions a Man Can Make, he shares an easy-to-use way to identify and evaluate your pace. Bill describes five pace categories for the speed at which each of us functions best: The Muscle Car, The Sports Car, The Semi, The Mail Truck, and The Tractor.

The Muscle Car

Muscle cars have big engines and are designed to go in a straight line with an abundance of pull and dramatic speed. This is the person who:

The Sports Car

These vehicles are fun, agile, and quick. This person prefers roads that have lots of turns and quick transitions. This is the person who:

The Semi

Some people operate in life more like a semi truck. This is the person who:

The Mail Truck

This is the person who has a sign on his or her back, “Makes Frequent Stops.” This person:

The Tractor

Tractors are incredibly useful, but they move slowly. Tractors plow the ground, dig furrows, plant seeds, and harvest crops. They move snow, move dirt, move rocks, and move farmers. This is the person who:

Which of the five vehicles best represents you and your spouse? How do your different paces challenge your marriage or complement it? Be bold in your assessment. You and your spouse were created this way because it’s part of God’s plan for your lives and marriage. 

5 Tips for Pacing Your Spouse:

1.  Practice your pace.

Ask yourself, “Are we at the right pace?”

2.  Restart regularly.

All of us get off pace at times. When you realize it – stop, pray, and restart.

3.  Encourage your spouse’s pace.

His pace may be different than yours. Look for ways to help him keep his pace while you maintain yours.

4.  Yield to stress.

When you notice stress in yourself or your spouse ask, “Are we off pace?” If the answer is, “Yes,” restart.

5.  Regroup when necessary. 

Sometimes in a road trip, caravan vehicles will travel at different speeds, so you either adjust your speed or need to rendezvous to regroup. Talk with your spouse about which method works best for your marriage.

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