A Prayer for Our Nation

Lord, we gather to humble ourselves and pray. We need You on every level: in our homes, our churches, our communities, our states, and our nation.


Lord God,

Today we gather in our nation to humble ourselves and pray. We need You on every level: in our homes, our churches, our communities, our states, and our nation.

We have wandered away from You. We have pushed You out of our public schools, colleges and universities, the public square, and our lives.

Please forgive us. We have made a mess of things. We have cultivated a climate of dissension, of hatred for our brothers and sisters, of lawlessness, of complete depravity, and of godlessness.

We have devalued life in all its forms—in the womb, in the streets, in our in-fighting, in those who are different from us, in the aged—in every facet of our humanity. We have destroyed and cast off that which You created, value, and love. That which You have said is good and gave Your Son for.

We have cast aside our consciences making what’s wrong right and what’s right wrong. We have compromised in so many areas, refusing to stand up for truth.

We have sat by and done nothing as evil has prevailed. We have been asleep in the night.

We have not only shut down the words of others, but we have also shut down You and Your Word—our guide.

Today, we humble ourselves before Your Holy Name and grieve over the things we have done and not done to be a light for You in this dark world. Despite our sin and failures, we ask You to please show us Your mercy and compassion in our turning away from what has so deeply grieves Your heart. We are truly sorry.

Help us to change. Give us the courage to rise up for Your sake starting today…to be willing to fight for justice wherever injustice is found, to see people through Your eyes of compassion, made in Your image, and to be truthtellers even when we are persecuted.

Keep us from fear from what man thinks.

Help us to be courageous in our homes, in our communities, in our churches, and in our nation. Remind us that one person can bring change.

Help us to rise up as a nation—to become a mighty army of for You—to drive back the darkness and to make Your Name known again in every corner of this nation and world.

Help us to shine the light of the Gospel to every man, woman, and child that they may experience freedom and life in Christ forever.

Finally, break our hearts for what breaks Yours. We are ready, in the power of Your Holy Spirit, to get up and move out of our comfort zones. We are done sitting on the sidelines. May You be glorified as we go out into this broken nation with the light and hope of the Gospel of Christ.


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