When God Asks, Say Yes

Do you tell God you don’t have the time, talent, or experience to do something He gently keeps prodding you to do? What’s holding you back? Tell God “yes”!


When a friend tapped me on the shoulder to write a Bible study, I thought, yeah, right! As a pastor’s wife and homeschool mom of seven, I just didn’t think I had the bandwidth. But God knew better.

I continued to tell God I didn’t have the time, talent, or experience to write a Bible study, and He continued to prod. So, finally, I gave in. As I studied and wrote about six unlikely women in Jesus’ genealogy, the Lord showed me that it wasn’t about my abilities or experience (which I didn’t have) but about my willingness to serve Him. After all, He had a track record of using women who were full of flaws to do remarkable things.

He took my meager offering of a few moments of here and there, and a teeny bit of writing experience and—like the meager loaves and fishes—He multiplied it beyond my dreams. I now have a full-fledged women’s Bible study published to share with women worldwide. Only because of Him.

I’m beginning to learn firsthand what happens when we stop worrying about God’s calling on our lives making sense, and instead start obeying. God doesn’t call us to things we can do without Him—He calls us to things that are beyond our abilities to increase our dependence upon Him.

Maybe for you that’s not poring over Scriptures and crafting sentences during your toddler’s naptime, like me. Maybe for you it looks like taking the helm of a ministry that’s currently in a nosedive. Maybe it’s saying, “yes” to that speaking opportunity, even though you feel like you’d rather hide behind the curtains. Or maybe it’s taking the backseat and developing a younger leader, even when you know it would be faster to just do it yourself. Or maybe it’s adopting that kid, or befriending that shut-in, or caring for your aging parents—the list can go on and on.

Whatever God’s calling you to, dive right in. Sure, it can be uncomfortable, and you may be the least qualified, but God’s not in the business of calling the qualified. Take Moses, for example. When God called Moses from the burning bush, Moses was sure there was some mistake. “Moses said to God, ‘Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’” (Exodus 3:11) Fast forward a few years and Moses was leading God’s people through the Red Sea on dry ground. Talk about a change in confidence (or should I say, “Godfidence”)!

Let’s allow God to take our, “are you sure about this, God?” and turn it into a beautiful success story that only He could write—all for His glory.

So, what’s holding you back? Let it go and give Him the pen today. You won’t regret it.

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