The Holy Spirit Knows Best

It's not up to us to make sure everything's right when sharing Christ with others - only the Holy Spirit knows what's best for each heart.


How many times in our attempts to share Christ with someone do we try to orchestrate all the various details to make the moment just right? We invite them to church or a program knowing that a certain topic will be discussed that would be perfect for them to hear or we find just the "right" book that is surely going to do the trick and bring them closer to salvation.

I will never forget the time I invited a non-Christian roommate to a Sandi Patty concert (that is really dating me!). I thought she loves music and this concert would certainly be a non-offensive way to open her heart toward spiritual things. I knew God would use the concert in Mary Beth's life and had prayed toward that end. As we settled into our seats, I was waiting in anticipation for what God was going to do that night.

Before Sandi took the stage, an evangelist appeared and began speaking - I sure didn't know that was going to happen! Certainly not part of my plan! As he got into his message, I found myself wanting to crawl under the seat. Everything he said was so abrasive. In fact, he had people throwing their cigarette packs and any other addiction paraphernalia up on the stage. This was not the way I envisioned the evening and surely Mary Beth would be totally turned off now, if not forever to the gospel. All of my best evangelistic efforts were going up in smoke! All I could think about was how I was going to undo the damage. Then to make matters worse, he gave an alter call and asked people to stand up right where they were to accept Jesus.

My heart was pounding; the evening couldn't have gone any worse! Then it happened. Mary Beth stood up. My eyes filled with tears, as on a night I thought was all wrong for paving the way for the gospel, my roommate whom I loved and had prayed for, proudly stood up without hesitation in an arena filled with thousands of people and accepted Christ. To this day she is living a faithful and committed life for the Lord.  

When we reminisce about that night, do you know what...Sandi Patty is never mentioned. What I thought would be the big moment, wasn't. God used a man - who I didn't think was the right kind of messenger - in a way I would have never imagined ushering my roommate into eternity!

I learned a valuable lesson that night; the Holy Spirit knows best!

God doesn't call us to be the Holy Spirit. Rather, He calls us to be faithful and take the opportunities He gives us with others, leaving the results completely in His capable hands.

It's not up to us to make sure the music is right, the mood is right, the message is right - only the Holy Spirit knows what's right and best for each heart. And, the amazing thing is He can take one song or one message and make it right for hundreds of different people in just the way they need it all in the same moment. That is His work, not ours. John 6:43 says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws Him." How freeing. No more heart-pounding, wanting to crawl under the seat moments.

I can follow His lead and share Christ with those in my life, leaving the work of the heart to Him. What a relief! He knows each person's spiritual language and what will be most effective for reaching them and pulling on their heartstrings. The word or song that moved me may not be the word or song that moves them. For me to make it all about me and my spiritual experience will greatly limit what God wants to do in some else's life. I love that God is creative and uses all kinds of means - even means we think will never work - to draw men and women to Himself. He's always doing the unexpected and no vehicle is ever out of His realm of possibility. Our job is to keep inviting and keep listening to His Spirit's lead.

Next time you feel led to reach out to someone to share Christ, don't hesitate, don't think twice, don't spend your time trying to orchestrate all the details of what you think will set the stage. Remember...the Holy Spirit really does know best!

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