Advent Anxiety: How Can This Be Happening?

Joseph struggled with the anxiety of his unplanned, unwanted adventure with Mary. Yet he rose up, trusted God’s plan, and didn’t let anxiety win. You can too!


I imagine Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, agonizing internally when he recognized his young betrothed was pregnant. No angel told him this. He became aware of the startling development from the lips of his young, virginal fiancée and her expanding waistline.

Before I moved to Afghanistan in 2005, I saw fictionalized movie footage of stonings that truly happened to guilty women under the impossible rule of the Taliban in the late 1990s. The first time I passed the Kabul soccer field where the executions took place, I wondered how such madness was allowed. In the days of Mary and Joseph, similar public punishments took place for those who broke the religious or cultural laws of the day. Men and particularly women caught in sexual relationships outside of marriage could be stoned to death.

Joseph struggled with what to do to save the life of his now unmarry-able wife-to-be. God sent an angelic messenger to lead him out of his despair, into an unknown, faith-required journey. Marry the pregnant woman, take her to your distant hometown for the government census, deliver the baby in an animal stall, and then flee for your lives to Egypt (after some Wise Men bring you some finances for the trip).


Joseph had to wonder why God orchestrated this unplanned, unwanted adventure. His reputation and his carefully outlined future were now thrown to the wind. What had he done to deserve this anxious situation? How could he move forward with so many uncertainties?

This is our same plight today as limited humans in an ever changing, no guarantees world. Anxiety is hitting all ages at all levels of living—socially, economically, and spiritually.


The Bible does not promise us a trouble-free existence, actually the opposite. Jesus said in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

I encourage my counseling clients to cease trying to avoid, deny, or fight against anxiety. Instead, energies are better spent acknowledging the situations that cause anxiety to rise and prepare wisely.

Take care of your body and mind:


God sent an angel to Joseph. Don’t we wish He would do that for us! The visit served to answer all Joseph’s questions, “God is writing this story. He is right here with you. Trust and follow.”

That is what God communicated to all of us by sending His Son to live among us at Christmas. He showed His desire to be close to us, to understand our needs and reveal His heart of love for all of His children who choose to draw close to Him.

Jesus says to us, “I know what your life is like, scary at times and full of struggles. Talk to Me about your worries. Look for My personal reassurances and answers to your questions. I am right here, helping you find the beauty of the story of your life God has already written.”

Respond like Joseph, rise up, trust God’s plan, and follow. Don’t let anxiety win. God is always near.

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