Moving On After Moving In

Moving is so much more than loading and unloading boxes! How do you accept the unfamiliar and truly move on after moving in? Here are some helpful steps.

Our bags were packed and our van was loaded down with valuables that couldn’t be shipped ahead. The rest of my life was loaded in brown boxes on a moving truck headed for a destination 2,000 miles away. Once again I was pulling up stakes. Once again I was saying goodbye to all that I knew and loved. At that moment, I didn’t belong anywhere - not in this place, and not in the new place I was moving to so far away.

I smiled for the children’s sake, to give them a sense of security that everything was going to be all right. I engaged in some “meaningful” conversation with my husband, Bill, to assure him I was indeed standing by his side in this job transfer and was united with him in this move. The emptiness overwhelmed me.

If you have recently moved, or will be moving in the near future, I want to encourage you. From one who has traveled that road by relocating 14 times, I know the emotional journey ahead of you. I also know that moving will touch every aspect of your life.

Moving is so much more than loading and unloading boxes! Moving means change, and change can affect you physically, emotionally, and even spiritually. It will have an effect on your marriage, your children, your relationships, and your job, because along with any transition comes change. Moving can be compared to a thousand piece picture puzzle that has been turned upside down and it’s up to you to put the puzzle back together again.

When you move, you leave behind all that is familiar to face the unknown. Many women feel like their whole life is in brown boxes and the effort to start all over again is overwhelming. You are disconnected from family, friends, and your church home. You lose a sense of community. Until you begin to put down roots in a new place and reconnect through relationships, loneliness is all you know.  A friend who recently moved said, “The hardest thing about moving is being alone and not having a good friend nearby to be with or call.”

You might feel separated from family and friends, but you are not separated from God.  He didn’t bring you to this new place to abandon you. God can do great things in your moving journey, if you choose to let Him work in and through your life during this transition. “For I know the plans I have for you…to give you a hope and a future” (Jer. 29:11).

Perhaps you need hope and encouragement to get you through the major impact of a move. This is what helped me emotionally survive and understand the process of adjustment. It all began with the choice to either be open or closed to change.

The first step I had to take was to choose to let go and leave behind any encumbrances that would prevent me from starting over and moving ahead with my life. Next, I had to actually choose to start over, even if I didn’t want to! Until I accepted the reality of having to start over, I couldn’t be ready to move ahead with my life. Finally, I had to choose to move ahead. It was time to come full circle with my move, put aside my pity party, and do whatever it took to move ahead. I quickly learned the journey after a move is one of action.

To encourage you on your journey, try these action steps to smooth the bumpy road ahead:

Let’s take this one step further. If you feel like you haven’t settled in yet, there are some practical things you can do to help ease the transition of being new. Whether you are lonely, looking for new friends, or just want to reconnect in the community, here are some ways to help you put down roots and begin to bloom where you are planted!

The anchor and firm foundation in any change and transition in my life has been my relationship with Jesus Christ. His promise of hope through Scripture, the assurance of His comfort, the peace that comes from trusting Him, and the knowledge that He will always be with me, have sustained me over the years in even the most difficult changes I have faced.

Remember that you may feel lonely, but you are never alone! God always accompanies you, wherever you may go. “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged” (Deut. 31:8).

Never give up and never lose heart in the transitions of your life. You can become a “moving overcomer.”  I’m standing on the sidelines cheering you on every step of the way!

~ By Susan Miller

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