A Quiet Assurance

How can we ever gain peace of mind and confidence? With God's quiet assurance.


“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever” (Isaiah 32:17).

“How can I ever gain peace of mind and some confidence?” inquired a timid youngster. A mother, signing into the psychiatric ward, despaired deeply over the same problem. Surprisingly, the same question was asked by a bright, glamorous starlet, who had “arrived” overnight.

Isaiah gave the answer for all three: It’s a matter of cause and effect. The cause is righteousness; the effect, quietness and assurance forever.

What then is righteousness? It’s a right relationship with God based on His forgiveness and cleansing in Christ, and righteousness spills over into right relationships with others. If we want quietness and assurance forever, then we must stop expecting programs or people to produce them. These qualities are the effect of righteousness!

Do you need self-confidence? A quiet assurance that will keep you calm when the office erupts around you, or your husband calls to tell you your in-laws are coming for an unexpected visit?  If we have made our peace with God, then the effect of our relationship with Him will be a quiet manner where panic fears to tread and confidence is nurtured. But how does this relationship start?  The Lord can’t make it right for us unless we first admit we’ve been wrong with Him. He can’t forgive us unless we say we’re sorry – not just sorry for ourselves but sorry for our sin.  That is our introduction to eternal security.


Lord, thank You for this wonderful promise that my relationship with You leads to peace, quietness and confidence forever!  Keep the beauty of righteousness in the forefront of my thoughts.  Help me to stay close to You through prayer and Your Word and to live out this promise in all my relationships.  Amen.

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