Coping with Criticism

Lord, when I am overly sensitive to what others think or say, help me to cope with criticism by remembering that You are my true judge.


“I care very little if I am judged by you or by any human court; indeed, I do not even judge myself” (1 Corinthians 4:3).

How I wish I could say that! I have to confess that, when I am criticized, it is never a very small thing to me. It is a huge thing!

Having spent many years in the pastorate, I understand what it feels like to be judged by others! Usually I run the gamut:  indignation—“How dare they?”  Self-pity—“How could they?” And paranoia—“How many are they?” In no time flat the whole thing gets totally out of perspective, and I am effectively hindered in my service for the Lord!

Paul was able to say that criticism was a “very small thing” to him. This in no way means the apostle arrogantly considered himself above reproach. But he did not fall into the trap of believing everything that everyone said about him. “In fact, I do not even judge myself,” he continues.

Once I have come through my first defensive, hurt reaction to criticism, I usually tend to accept it as true. After all, I know myself pretty well. “I am not perfect and just haven’t wanted to admit it,” I tell myself sternly.

Then I remember how Paul put the whole thing into perspective for us. “He who judges me is the Lord” (v.4), he said. The Lord Jesus is the One who sits in the judgment seat.  Woe betide me if I join Him and begin to judge myself or those who judge me! I can go to Him for His Word and submit to His assessment. In doing so, I will find rest!


Lord, when I am overly sensitive to what others are thinking, help me to remember that You are my true judge. Help me to put my focus on living an obedient life before You. Then give me the wisdom to take the opinions of others in stride—listening when there is something to be learned, and forgiving when there is not. Keep my mind and focus close to You.  Amen.

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