During Penn State football games, the crowd on one side of the stadium shouts “We are” followed by the response of the crowd on the other side of the field “Penn State.” We all are defined by things we do and like.
While reading through the Bible, we come across statements and word pictures that describe who we are and the work God intends for us to do. One verse that jumps off the page is found in 2 Cor. 2:14 (NKJV) where it says that through us God diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.
To diffuse is to spread, cover, disperse, or scatter widely. Therefore, a diffuser is a person or thing that diffuses. The first picture that comes to mind is a fragrance diffuser that many of us use in our homes as an air freshener or for healing benefits. By using oil in a diffuser, the air is filled with the fragrance of lavender, peppermint, citrus, menthol, or any one of dozens of fragrances.
As believers, we are God’s instruments to spread knowledge and be a sweet smelling fragrance of Christ wherever He places us throughout our lives. We are to bloom where we are planted. In order to spread God's love, we first need to know and believe God's truth: He is eternal, the creator of life, one part of the Trinity, holy, love, light, unchangeable, all knowing, ever-present, etc. We gain this knowledge through His Word, so it's important for us to be reading and studying the Bible consistently.
Then we're ready to diffuse this knowledge to those around us. This can be done by teaching a small group or Sunday school class or sharing our faith with those we come in contact with throughout the day at work, shopping, or visiting neighbors. Besides speaking to others, we have the opportunity to give a generous tip at a restaurant, share material such as Just Between Us magazine, or provide copies here or abroad through organizations that translate and distribute the Bible.
Our fragrance is to be noticeable to everyone who is around us. The closer we are to others, the more they should be aware of the fragrance of truth. Verse 15 says we are diffusing the fragrance of the knowledge to those who are being saved as well as to those who are perishing. To some we are affecting life, while others are repelled by the truth.
A diffuser needs to be plugged into a power source, and it has to be filled with a fragrant oil before the aroma can be diffused. Likewise, in order for us to be effective in spreading the knowledge of God, we must be plugged into the source of power─the Holy Spirit, Who is the oil of His truth. (Oil in the Bible often refers to the Holy Spirit.)
Have you ever planted grass? Sharing God’s truth is also described as spreading seeds like a farmer or landscaper. In Luke 8, Jesus told the parable about the sower (believer) scattering seed (God’s Word) on different kinds of soil (people at different stages of receptivity). Some people are like hard ground that has been trodden down. Others are like rocky or thorny places where the soil is inadequate for sustaining life. Still others are like the good ground that has been prepared to receive the seed. Our responsibility is to spread the seed. We’re not always aware of the kind of “soil” people are, so we just need to spread the seed to everyone. The command that Jesus gave to His disciples prior to His ascension to Heaven was to go and preach to every creature (Mark 16:15). Some plant the seed; others water. The apostle Paul considered himself the planter and Apollos as the one who came along and watered the seed. “For we are co-workers in God’s service.” But God makes things grow (1 Cor. 3:6-9).
Jesus calls us to be salt and light in this world of sin and darkness (Matt. 5:13-16). We are ambassadors–sent out as God’s representatives on earth (2 Cor. 5:20). “We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10). So as you go about your daily life, be a diffuser─a sweet smelling fragrance of the love of Christ wherever you go!