I want to introduce you to a woman who had everything she could want and everything she could need — a lovely environment to live in, good health, a loving husband, and an open relationship with her heavenly Father.
As my granny would have said, "This woman had everything and a bag to put it in." Yet, it wasn't enough. One day someone whispered in her ear, "There is more and if only you had it...then you would be totally satisfied."
"But I am not dissatisfied," came the faint protest from her heart.
"Well, you are now." The reply was quick, brutal and although she hated to admit it - true.
She is, of course Eve. She is also me and probably you.
How weak we are. How strong is the world and its' marketing. It ruthlessly exploits the desire to be fulfilled. Promising much, delivering little. It shouts at you, whispers to you, convinces you, and seduces you.
"If only your home was prettier
If only your kitchen was shinier
If only your hair was glossier
If only your face was smoother
If only your clothes were smarter
In fact...If only your husband was smarter
If only...
If only...
There is an alternative, there is something better, it's yours for the taking and then you'd be really, really happy."
But would you?
When I was a little girl I often heard, "All good things come to an end." We'd go somewhere special and in what would seem like minutes I would hear those awful words: "We're leaving in a half hour." Or given a piece of chocolate cake, I'd find myself thinking, if only it could have been a bit bigger. How clearly I can hear my father saying, "Hilary, enough is never enough is it?"
Recently I have heard my heavenly Father say the same thing...
"You have everything...
A lovely home,
Kind parents,
A friendly church,
Good health,
Beautiful children,
A wonderful husband...
And still you are not satisfied. You can think and often do, of ways they could all be better,
You have missed the whole point.
They do not satisfy you deep down,
So stop blaming them - they were not supposed to."
St. Augustine said, "You have made us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You."
You will not find that rest that comes from a deep sense of contentment and fulfillment in people, places, or possessions. You will only find peace and real happiness in Jesus Christ Himself.
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and in Him you have been made complete (Col. 2:9-10).
Complete! Not comfortable. If you think that the more comfortable you become the more you satisfied you will be and the more complete you will feel, then you, like Eve, have believed the lie which has deceived so many for so long. You have been dropping your bucket in the wrong well. Pull it out. It is empty anyway, and start again.
Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:13-14).
You see, all good things don't come to an end. In fact, in Jesus they just get better and better forever.
~ By Hilary Price