Are you merely trudging along with a fake smile telling people, “God is good,” but then grumbling the rest of the day? Most people in this world are not joy-filled: they are anxious, exhausted, and complainers. Yet we have been set free! Our joy should be contagious. This is how the world will know that we are different.
Do you need a little help kick starting your joy? Try these tips to move your joy from the inside to your outside.
1. Sing out loud.
If you have small children, you probably know many kids’ Bible songs. Sing them out loud! If you don’t know any kids’ songs, try listening to the song by Jonny Diaz called Joy.
2. Listen to the Bible on audio. has many versions. Hearing the words and the inflection truly brings God’s words to life. For fun, try a narrator with an accent you enjoy!
3. Tell Knock-knock jokes.
Teach a small child a joke and you will have giggles for hours. The best part is when the kids try to make up their own jokes to share with you.
“Knock, knock, who’s there?” “Dwayne.” “Dwayne who?” “Dwayne the tub I’m drowning!”
4. Have a “Why not?” Day every once in a while.
When someone asks you to do something, say, “Sure, why not?” “Mom, can we jump on the bed?” “Sure, why not?” “Shamrock shake at the drive-thru?” “Sure, why not?” I have found I can uncover some joy in small things and the freedom to do them.
5. Eat a donut.
Sometimes you can shake out some joy with a grocery store donut. Seriously, it’s hard not to feel joyful when you are eating delicious frosted, sprinkled, and fried goodness!
6. Find a way to surprise someone.
Give a full tank of gas, a flower, a dessert, or a silly card just because. When you imagine the joy the recipient will have receiving it, you can’t help but feel some yourself.
Dr. Seppӓlӓ details her study in Psychology Today, that sharing joy actually increases our joy. Telling people about our happiness has far greater benefits than just remembering it or writing it down for ourselves. Sharing our joy starts by showing our joy.
7. Play with your small children.
Stuck inside? Put your to-do list down and play hide and seek, or tickle them!
8. Look to Christ’s example.
He knew the joy He would feel when His children were restored to Him. Hebrews 12:2 says “fixing our eyes on Jesus…” who “for the joy set before him he endured the cross.” Keep your eyes fixed on Him, and while keeping your eyes on Him, your gaze will be lifted to the long view, the joy to come.
9. Find at least one thing to be grateful for.
For example, breath in your lungs, a roof over your head, salvation, sunshine, a smart brain, or water from the tap. Your gratitude will show on your face.
10. Recall God’s goodness and faithfulness in your life.
Read through your prayer journals from the past few years, noting how God has answered prayers.
11. Look up.
“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands” (Ps. 19:1).
12. Wear something brightly colored.
A pop of color can do wonders for yourself and brighten someone else’s day, too, even if it’s just a pair of colorful socks!
13. Read greeting cards.
I can often be found laughing to tears in the card aisles of the store. Finding one that will thrill someone else is great.
14. Shut down your social media feed.
Looking at someone else’s pictures can lead to ugly comparisons. As Teddy Roosevelt so aptly said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Instead read blogs or articles that are uplifting and joyful ( is one of my favorites).
15. Watch animal memes on YouTube.
If all else fails, watch some cute, silly animal videos—a sure-fire way to bring a smile to the surface.
Showing your joy in the journey, not merely the endurance of this life, will surprise the world. Instead of looking at your struggles, look at Jesus, the One who set you free. And watch your heart fill up with joy!