It’s hard to believe we’ve just said goodbye to another year and hello to a new one. For some of us, it’s “good riddance” so we welcome the new year with open arms. For others of us, we’re sad to leave the year behind because life-defining moments and memories made it a year that we don’t want to forget—a baby or grandbaby was born, we got a new job, we finally went on a dream vacation, a new person walked into our life—things that we will always cherish when we look back.
Before we can plunge into a new year, it’s always good to look back, to make some intentional space to reflect on the year we just left. What do we want to keep and what needs to go? To reflect simply means to “think deeply or carefully about.” And I would add to do so with intentional prayerfulness. Talk to God about this past year and ask Him to show you where you’ve grown and what new things you’ve discovered about Him. Ask Him to show you those areas that are still in need of growth. “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6).
Reflection helps us trace God’s faithfulness and see things that we might have missed. It helps us sort out the things that need to be left behind with the things that need to be carried into the new year. Likely, there will be a mixture of both for all of us.
Have you ever thought about how the words, “New Year’s Resolutions” often carries a negative with it? For some reason, it can imply that everything in the past year was less than and needs changing. I would guess most, if not all of you, would say while there were certainly the negatives last year, there were also so many wonderful things that happened. Maybe for the first time you prayed out loud in a group or maybe you became regular in your time with God. God is saying, “You go, girl. I loved seeing your open heart and readiness to step out in faith.” Or maybe you built time in your schedule to regularly care for yourself and just have some much-needed fun. Those things should be carried into the new year so God can continue to grow them in your life.
Remember, we have a God of new beginnings, a God who doesn’t define us by our past mistakes and failures. No, His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23). He always stands ready to help us begin again and work afresh in our lives. Great is His faithfulness!
There will always be those things that we don’t want to carry in the new year with us, that may even need a proper burial from the year before. Things like bad attitudes that you developed that God needs to work on, or relationship conflicts that need to be resolved, or bitterness to be let go of. Or maybe you neglected God’s Word too many days to count, so you don’t want to carry that with you. You want to make changes so next year you can look back and say, “I met with God more frequently than I ever have; look what God did as a result of my small step of faith.”
Why don’t you make an intentional date with the Lord over the next few weeks to reflect on the past year?
1. Journal
Where did you see the most growth spiritually? What opportunities did you miss? What unexpected events changed your life and relationship with God? What were your priorities? Where did you fall short? What do you want to be different in the new year?
2. Thank God
He’s done a lot in your life over the last year. Where did you grow closer to Him? How have you become more like Jesus? What new spiritual disciplines did you develop? Whatever happened this past year, be thankful for where God has brought you.
There are definitely things I don’t want to take into the new year, so I’m praying big prayers of courage that God will help me work on those areas and leave them in the past. I’m so grateful we have a God of new beginnings, a God who doesn’t define us by our past mistakes and failures. His mercies are new every morning (Lam. 3:23), and He always stands ready to help us begin again and give us new mercies.
Grab your favorite throw and a cup of your hot drink of choice and snuggle up somewhere quiet to reflect on all God did in your life this past year. Intentionally ask Him what to keep and what to change, so He can continue doing the great things in your life that He has planned for you. Great is His faithfulness!