Serving Your Family

Lord, show me how to serve my family and meet the needs of those around me in a loving and useful way.


“Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them” (Luke 2:51).

Jesus knew how hard it is to serve at home.  At twelve, He reminded his parents, “I had to be in My Father’s house” (Luke 2:49).  He then went home to Nazareth, and was subject to them for another eighteen years.  Jesus of Nazareth served the Lord his God for thirty-three years, the vast majority of which He lived at home.  I believe He wanted to know what that was like, so He could help you and me.

Jesus learned to minister to His father and His mother, to His brothers and sisters, and to His friends and relations.  He worked with them and for them.  He took His share of the daily doings in a Christ-like way!  And I believe He gave us a good picture of a balanced lifestyle – three years talking and thirty years living!

We tend to think of Christian service as “platform duty” – speaking, preaching, videotaping, conferences, that sort of thing.  But divine services are conducted three times daily at my kitchen sink! 

If you have just come to faith in Christ and are wondering what you can do for Jesus, do what He did and learn to do it heartily and well.  Serve the people you live with, the folk who belong to you.  Make no mistake about it – it counts!  When Jesus cried out from the cross “It is finished” (John 19:30), He spoke of the work of redemption.  Thirty years of Nazareth living had been an important part of that!


Lord, show me how to meet the needs of those around me in a loving and useful way.  Help me to see that when I serve my family and friends, I am ministering to them, and pointing them to You.  Keep my lifestyle balanced with loving service to You.  Amen.

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