No matter what our position or function in the church body, all of us have to deal with difficult people. It’s all Eve’s fault!
But it does no good blaming her for the awkward people we have to cope with in our lives and ministry. After all, all we need to do is look in the mirror to see evidence of our own Eve-ness too! So what’s the answer in dealing with difficult people? Maybe an acrostic using the word difficult will help.
Deliberately go out of your way to make friends with difficult people. It’s amazing what friendships can do. Most difficult people are lonely.
Investigate what the Bible says about the problem, then apply the truth you learn.
Forgive them for being difficult.
Forgive them again!
Intercede for them. It’s hard to be irritated with someone when you’re in the presence of God.
Confront the difficulty and try to talk about it. A third party may help to referee if necessary.
Understand “why” the person is behaving like he or she is.
Love them practically. Do something for them they don’t deserve.
Thank God daily for the difficult people in your life. Praise changes relationships. You’ll see!
I have to go now as I have an appointment with someone who wants to see me. She says she finds me a really difficult person! Help Lord!