You may be wondering, “How do I start this blessing thing with my kids?” Zig Ziglar used to say that nothing is more motivating than sincere praise. I have found that to be true, especially as it relates to my own children regardless of their age. Young children catch on to this act of blessing very quickly and respond almost automatically when it is given. They want to please their parents, but what about older kids, like teenagers?
Think of your own relationship with your Heavenly Father. He has shown you a perfect model for parenting, and that model has two sides—receiving and giving. Everything we have we have received from God and everything we have received from Him is intended to be passed on to those we meet, especially our own families. So, what exactly has God modeled for us?
1. Unconditional love
It’s a love that isn’t based on our behavior, but on His nature. We don’t deserve it, but He never withholds it from us.
2. Unilateral forgiveness
When Jesus cried out from the cross “Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they are doing,” it was the first thing that He said. Before He said “My God, my God, why have you forsaken ME,” He said “Father, forgive them” even while they were committing the worst deed in human history.
3. A call to come into His presence and learn from Him
We are given the privilege to be yoked with Him, and to communicate with Him. He loves us, He forgives us, and now He says, “My door is open, come in and let’s talk.”
4. To Rely on the Holy Spirit
God has blessed us with His Comforter, His Holy Spirit, to be our constant companion. He is the One who enables us to walk in righteousness and gives us the boldness to speak the truth in love.
When you sit down with your older kids (even adult kids) and prepare to bless them, think of what God has modeled for you and pass this same example on to them. Explain to them what you are going to do and why and listen to what they say. This may also be a time of healing between you and your children. Embrace the opportunity and watch God work. Then, if they are willing, hug them while you bless them. They’ll love it—trust me! Whenever our kids brought their friends to our home for a sleepover or simply to spend the day, we always included them in the blessing. Often when we left they would tell our kids, “I wish my parents did this to me.” Kids are hungry for this and will receive it.
Start a new family tradition today. It could be one that continues on for multiple generations to come. What a great legacy to leave for your family.
~ By Rolf Garborg