“Jesus, being weary with His journey sat on the well” (John 4:6).
Are you tired inside as well as out? Those serving the Lord will certainly be weary in well doing as the Bible puts it!
My husband Stuart says: “I was born tired, I've lived tired, and I'll surely die tired. But if I'm tired when I get to Heaven, I'm coming straight back!” His idea of Heaven is waking up on the glad day he arrives there finding himself not tired! There is so much to do for hurting people in Kingdom work and so few doing it. We are bound to have weary servants of the Lord around!
There were plenty of “well doings” (excuse the pun) to be done at this particular spot on this particular day in the life of Christ. Though He was worn out, He attended to His work on earth and accomplished it.
Reading the story about the Lord Jesus and His stop at the well both touched and challenged me. After all, He was weary with this journey! The one He took for me! The challenge lay in the fact He was never too hungry or tired to speak life into a soul thirsty and hungry beyond measure, however spent He was.
The sun was hot. The party had walked a long way in the Middle Eastern sun. Donkeys trotted past them, carrying their passengers. The disciples and Jesus were poor and had no extra money to hire the beasts, even though certain “women were helping to support them out of their own means” (Luke 8:3).
Everyone was hungry, including Jesus. Breakfast was a memory, and then there was the frustration of sitting on a well and not having a bucket! Of course He who made the seas could have turned sand into water as He could, on another occasion, have turned stones into bread. He had the power but not the Father’s permission, in this instance, to use His powers for Himself. So He waited patiently for the disciples to come back from Sychar with refreshment.
If you’ve ever felt weary with the journey, like you’re walking in deep sand, and are frustrated with no means to help yourself, Jesus understands. Proverbs 11:25 tells us: “He that refreshes others will himself be refreshed!” It’s true!
Once Jesus had given the woman living water, He forgot about His lunch! Don’t be so absorbed with your own weariness that you fail to see someone’s need and realize you have a divine appointment. He will energize you as only He can.
Lord, I am weary. You understand. Send me someone to minister to even when I’m tired. I know that in the giving I shall receive refreshment of soul and joy in the journey. Amen.