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Your Questions Matter

"A small boy asked his father one day,"How hot is the sun Dad?"


"What kind of question is that?" the father replied.


"I was just wondering, Dad, that's all. But it doesn't matter."


A few minutes later the boy asked, "Dad, do you know how far it is from the center of the sun to the center of Mars?"


No, son, I've no idea."


Sensing that his father did not want to pursue the conversation the boy said, "Dad, you don't mind me asking these questions, do you?"


"No son. Of course not. How are you going to learn if you don't ask questions?"


That is one of my favorite stories which is always good for a laugh, but behind the laughter lies a couple of nuggets.


1.  The father got some things right! He recognized that people, young and old, possess inherent curiosity which if nurtured will result in them learning something. There are many paths to learning and many avenues to wisdom. Asking questions is one of the most frequently practiced, because it can lead to clarification, application, and correcting misunderstandings among other aids to learning. 


2.  While the father in our story avoided answering the first question by asking a non-question, he did answer the second. His answer was not very informative, but it was honest and therefore commendable. He had no idea so he said so! Of course, it would have been even more helpful if he had added, "I don't know the answer, but I'll try to find out for you and then we'll both learn something. And we can do it together."


The world into which the young boy was born is full of wonderful mysteries and mysterious wonders. And given the right environment and opportunity, this boy could learn not only about the remarkable creation that had captured his imagination and curiosity, but also about the Awesome Creator.


Even more amazingly, he could learn about his place in the vast universe and his role in the unfolding plan that God has been busy revealing concerning His purposes. And this boy has a lifetime ahead of him to be invested in discovery until he finally moves on from this world into the new heavens and new earth that God is committed to preparing for His people. A lifetime of learning and discovering, exploring and enjoying, of asking and learning, of being and doing–and then an eternity full of realities that “no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived” (1 Cor. 1: 9). Exciting possibilities!


It is possible, of course, that the father was not on the same wave length as his young son because while Junior was fascinated with the sun and the planets, his dad was worrying about life; the collapsing economy, his wife’s biopsy results, and a host of other nitty gritty items that make up everyday life that has to be tackled and lived. And all these issues raise questions that need answers.


Whatever your questions, our desire is to serve you as effectively and beneficially as possible. To help you know what to believe and why and how to behave and when, so that in the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, you may find hope and help in the Bible to live wisely and well as God grants you grace. It's our prayer that we might all “grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 3: 18).