There is something about the ebb and flow of seasons that help us move into more figurative seasons. Whether we are operating on a school-year calendar or not, summer is definitely one of those times. Summer is a great opportunity to mix things up a little or start fresh after a cold season of staying indoors (or in Texas, when we just need to make the most of the ridiculously high temps).
Why do we celebrate summer?
While summer isn’t included on the religious calendar, it is most definitely a part of our culture and very much a season! I believe this is one that should be celebrated and participated in well past our childhood. A change in rhythm and routine. A chance to slow some things down and speed some things up. It’s a mid-year start to begin new things and dream fresh dreams. It’s a time for adventure, to gather with those you love, and enjoy a little warmth after winter. You maybe won’t get to check out from reality for three months like you did when you were a child, but you can take your own version of summer break to refresh and enjoy life in a new way!
Adjust How You Spend Time with God
I hear from women all the time that they struggle to be consistent in studying Scripture and spending time with the Lord during the summer. Some use the summer to take some time off from spending time with the Lord because schedules are so inconsistent or their church isn’t doing a Bible study so they aren’t sure what to do. Instead of simply finding a way to make time for God during a different season of the year, they choose to “give themselves grace” and avoid Him altogether. Know what I am about to say is because I love you so very much: this is an excuse, and it’s the furthest thing from offering yourself grace.
Yes, it can be harder to spend time with the Lord during the summer because schedules feel so out of the normal and group Bible studies are much harder to come by. Not to mention it gets darker at later times of the evening, making us want to stay out longer chasing daylight and then making it harder for us to wake up. However, this just means that we need to find a new way and rhythm of connecting with the Lord during the summer.
First, take some time to look at your summer and evaluate when you should spend time with the Lord. Go ahead and block off those times on your calendar and set your alarm. These are two of the best accountabilities for staying consistent.
Second, pick what your time with the Lord will be like for the summer. You can join an online group or find a study you’ve been wanting to try. My favorite thing during the summer is to do a 90-day Bible reading plan. We offer free downloads for Read the Bible in 90 Days, Read the New Testament in 90 Days, and other 90-day reading plans on the Sacred Holidays website. I love reading straight Scripture in the summer because my time with the Lord feels more personal. During the year, I am often doing a group Bible study at our church or one of our holiday Bible studies. I love for my summer time with the Lord to feel more intimate, just the two of us, and free from the time lines of other commitments.
Whatever your goal or plan is for the summer, be intentional with it. If you don’t hit the nail on the head every time, then yes, be quick to give yourself grace. But remember that grace isn’t opting out of spending time with the Lord; true grace to you is that God gives you the space to know Him, be known by Him, and know how to better love Him and others. Enjoy that grace all summer long!
Excerpted with permission from Sacred Holidays by Becky Kiser, B&H Publishing Group.
~ By Becky Kiser. Beck is CEO of Sacred Holidays—a ministry dedicated to helping women find less chaos and more Jesus during holidays through Bible study, community, resources, and lots of fun! Becky and her husband, Chris, live in Houston, Tex., with their three girls.