It is not enough to tell women to have a mustard seed of faith, to be anxious for nothing, or to be a godlier wife or mother. We need to know how to do those things. Although we are transformed into Christ’s likeness only by the power of the Holy Spirit, there are practical things we can do to avail ourselves even more to His work in and through us.
There is one “how” I consistently encourage women to implement, but it is usually met with resistance and skepticism based on the blank stares, chuckles, or eye rolls I see when I share it. Despite that, I will never stop encouraging women to do it because I believe it is one of the best and most practical ways to live out an authentic Christian faith. In fact, I have watched it change my life.
What is one of the most effective “how-tos” a Christ-follower can practice, yet is one of the least practiced spiritual disciplines? What is one of the best ways to stay connected to the Lord and ensure we are, by His grace and power, looking more like Him? Memorizing Scripture.
The eye rolling comes in, of course, because if you are like most women, your brain and calendar are so filled beyond capacity already that trying to memorize Scripture seems impractical, impossible and, if we’re honest, not that desirable. And since our phones have become an always-available appendage, why would we need to memorize anything? Because it can help our children, our marriages, and ourselves.
Reasons to Memorize Scripture
1. Parenting Help
When Hannah, my now high school senior was in eighth grade, I wrote her a letter telling her what I hoped for her next four years. I told her I hoped she would choose godly friends throughout high school, grow in confidence, not date until she was thirty, and of course, that she would have a strong faith in Jesus Christ.
In the past four years, I have had to make parenting decisions that could have influenced the trajectory of the hopes I had for Hannah. I have had to dole out punishments, curfews, and contracts about driving, boys, and cartilage piercings. I have had to make choices immediately that could have lifelong ramifications (or so it felt). However, in those moments, I always had enough time to pray a verse I memorized when Hannah was small.
Whenever I had a parenting decision to make, I would first pray Solomon’s prayer asking God for wisdom and discernment. On first dates, first driving lessons, and all the other “firsts” there are not parenting manuals for, praying 1 Kings 3:9 gave me godly hope and confidence. Dreams for our children can be just a wish upon a star without the assurance that comes when we pray God’s Word and power into our children’s lives every day and with every (fast) decision, we must make.
Why memorize Scripture? Because it offers us, as parents, reassurance and helps power our children’s lives and everyday choices.
2. Strengthening Our Marriages
You don’t have to be married long to know arguments are inevitable. Unfortunately for my husband, I have been right for most of our twenty-five years together. Not only have I been right, I’ve articulated my rightness in grandiose and exhaustive detail. When I began to hide God’s Word in my heart; however, the art of marital arguing, as I knew it changed.
Not long ago while arguing with my husband, the Holy Spirit told me something I did not want to hear, “Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5). In that moment, I realized I had a choice. I could air my every thought and grievance with my husband or I could be obedient to the Spirit by not talking and praying instead.
When we memorize Scripture, the Bible tells us it helps keep us from sinning against God (Psalm 119:11). Nothing my husband can say will open my eyes to my own selfishness, pride, and desire to be right, but God’s Word is sharper than any double-edged sword.
Why bother memorizing Scripture? It might just save your marriage.
3. Providing Peace in Difficulties
I have been having some health issues and recently found out several of my lab results were amiss. Being a worrier and hypochondriac, I can diagnose myself with a horrible disease even when I am in perfect health. So when there actually might be something legitimate to worry about, my run-of-the-mill fears can turn into wildly irrational panic.
After the call from the lab, I asked God to give me peace. I specifically asked for Scripture He knew I needed to endure while waiting for my doctor to call. Shortly after praying, I had this Spirit-inspired thought: “… God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7). Then the Spirit reminded me to think about “whatever is true…” (Phil. 4:8) instead of the host of worst-case scenarios, my mind tends to gravitate toward.
It isn’t true that lab results are always indicative of a deadly disease. Instead of defaulting to my normal MO of combing through the internet to diagnose myself, the Holy Spirit gave me complete peace by bringing God’s Word to my heart and mind. Although I haven’t heard back from my doctor yet, I have spent this day being present and productive instead of petrified and panicked.
Why memorize Scripture? Because the Spirit, through His Word, gives us hope and peace, that surpasses understanding.
The Blessings of Memorized Scripture
My dear friend Nancy says, “The Word of God settles us down.” It provides us perspective, peace, and protection just when we need it. Although I could have scrambled to find a verse on peace, patience, or wisdom when my daughter asked for a tattoo, or arguing with my husband, or when waiting for test results, when we have his Word already hidden in our hearts, the Spirit comforts and counsels us immediately, individually, and intimately.
Memorizing God’s Word has been an incredible gift and blessing in my life. With a bit of effort, anyone can experience the same blessing. It doesn’t make us better Christians, move us up in rank and standing in heaven, or make us holier in and of itself. However, failing to do so, risks limiting ourselves to our fallen decision-making, desires, and rationalizations. The people and relationships Christ came to redeem deserve so much more than that.
To start memorizing Scripture, try finding a Bile verse that addresses something you desperately desire (wisdom in parenting), struggle with (anxiety), or something you need to remind yourself of often (“there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,” Rom. 8:1). Soon, the words and peace will be forever in your mind and heart to be pulled out just when you need them.