Imagine this...... Anxiety, Doubt, Disappointment, and Discontentment link arms with you to take a quiet stroll on your life’s path. They say they just want to talk to you for a little while.
But you soon learn they are determined to make up the time they thought you lost when God asked you to step back, to trust, and to wait quietly. They say God is taking too long. They say He forgot about you.
This isn’t the quiet little stroll they said it would be. They argue among themselves. They push you along. They stumble over each other. They trip on the smallest stones. They cause you to lose balance. They mock you.
They change direction frequently. Sometimes they start to veer off the path, too close to the cliff. You try to resist but they have a strong grip on you.
The expressions on their faces are panicky and fearful, anything but calm confidence. Their voices scream frustration, anything but grateful joy. Their words are judgmental, anything but grace-filled.
They call out to their confidants along the way for back-up. Before you know it, Despair, Resentment, Depression, and Anger have joined your entourage. Now it is really crowded; you feel overtaken and out of control. You’re lost and afraid to let go so you hang on tighter.
Wait…what is that you see ahead? Coming toward your group is the One called “Everlasting-Endless-Immutable”.
His face exudes compassion. He sees your tangled mess. He sees your weariness. He sees the closeness of the cliff. He extends His hand. Oh, the love and grace in His eyes!
You take His all-powerful hand, and when you do, all the others drop their grip and fall into a frantic heap.
He invites you to sit with Him to talk. You talk about why you listened to the others and left the waiting place early. You talk about a lot of things.
He reminds you to trust Him. Only Him.
To listen to His voice. Only His.
He reminds you that He is dependable in every way. He is consistent like no other. He has always been the same and always will be.
He reminds you that the One you are talking with now is the same Jesus you read about in the Bible.
Exactly the same great love, same wisdom, compassion, holiness, faithfulness, power, etc.
“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). Grasping that He is eternally unchangeable will change everything for you!
- When impatient, you can say, "But God is ALWAYS faithful." Discontentment has no grip on you.
- When disappointed, you can say, “But God is ALWAYS sufficient.” Sadness has no grip on you.
- When afraid, you can say, “But God is ALWAYS present.” Anxiety has no grip on you.
- When weary, you can say, “But God is ALWAYS strong.” Discouragement has no grip on you.
- When in doubt, you can say, “But God is ALWAYS the truth.” Confusion has no grip.
- He IS! All He ever has been, all He ever will be forever He IS right now, right here!
“I have set the Lord continually before me; Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken” (Psalm 16:8)