My family has a salt-and-pepper miniature schnauzer named Lucky, whom we lovingly describe as an old soul. He is nine going on fifteen and only interested in napping (if he is alone) or snuggling (if we are around). Several years ago, Lucky developed problems with his back leg, causing him to struggle getting on and off the couch. As a remedy, we bought him his very own staircase. Comprised of four small steps, encased in thick, plush carpet, it is nothing short of adorable. When it arrived on our doorstep, we eagerly ripped open the box, snapped the parts together and, voila, we had a miniature staircase for our miniature schnauzer. We slid it over to the couch and proudly explained to him this new doggie device.
He was not interested.
We picked him up (ignoring the low grumble) and placed him at the foot of this very thoughtful gift. He didn’t budge. After much verbal instruction, we put his front paws on step #1. No movement. We finally laid out treats Hansel-and-Gretel-style up the steps and watched in anticipation. Very reluctantly, he trudged up. We erupted in applause while he sat on the couch, watching us, bewildered.
The same scene replayed itself in reverse when we instructed him to go down the steps. The only difference was that the grumbling turned into growling. He was not amused and wanted this silly charade to be over.
For days, we extolled the benefits of this amazing staircase. There was no persuading Lucky, though. Truly, you cannot teach a dog new tricks! But, one day, while coaxing him up, I realized what was hindering him.
The flooring in our house is primarily comprised of hardwood. Without carpet underneath our couch, Lucky’s plush new staircase can easily slide. That day, after lining up treats on each step, I watched him timidly lift his paw. But, as soon as he reached the first step, the contraption moved ever so slightly, immediately causing him to recoil.
He didn’t trust it.
He needed the staircase to feel stable, confident that it would not slip or slide. For Lucky to be convinced to use it, it was crucial that every step be stable and secure every single time.
The same is true for us.
When we place our trust in God, we crave assurance that His character, ability, and love for us will stand firm. Even the slightest doubt will cause us to recoil. Like Lucky, we desperately want our footing to be solid and sure every single time.
And, like Lucky, we scrutinize the staircase, contemplating its credibility.
- Is God big enough to handle this?
- What if He doesn’t provide what I need?
- What if things don’t turn out the way I want them to?
We stare longingly at the couch cushion while remaining frozen in fear on the hardwood floor of life. As a result, we miss out on God’s provision, power, and peace in our lives.
Is it possible to take that first step with confidence? Yes! Psalm 119:89-90 describes not only how, but why we can move forward with certainty.
“Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures” (emphasis mine).
There are power-packed, confidence-building words in these two verses—strong reminders that equip us with courage and display pictures of God’s promises and faithfulness. These words provide practical application for anyone struggling to trust God. They are easy to spot, too, because they all begin with the letter “f.” Let me paraphrase those verses:
God and His Word are forever and firmly fixed by a faithfulness to which we can hold fast!
Do you see the common thread that interlocks these words? God’s trustworthiness is established by Him and can’t be altered by us! Nothing we can do or have done will change God’s ability to be trustworthy.
In other words, by nature, God can’t not be trustworthy.
So, what prevents us from taking that step of trust? Us! Our fears, doubts, and insecurities assume they have the power to make us slip and fall. According to His Word, though, God is unchanging, always available, can’t be altered, and will never let us down. Our steps will always be firm in Him.
Consider the staircase analogy again. We may stand with our knees knocking and our doubts mounting, but on each step lies a treat of truth waiting for us to grab and internalize. When we step out in faith, we will learn these truths: You are loved, He is able, He will never leave you.
So, when you find yourself lingering on the hardwood floor, debating whether or not to take that first step of trust, remember this: our hearts can be secure in Him because what makes Him secure never changes.
His character is credible.
His words are dependable.
His staircase never moves—not even an inch.
So, go ahead. Take that step.
Jen Alee has written a six-week Bible study, Release, and can be found striving to live intentionally at