Devotions on Time with God

Jeremiah spoke of a stream from God that gives nourishment to our life (our “tree”) in times of drought (Jer. 17:7,8).  How will you know your roots are firmly planted in God’s river?  By the color of your leaves!  If you look into the river to see your reflection, you will notice leaves that are ever green and healthy.  A favorite verse of mine says, “The trees of the Lord are full of sap” (Ps. 104:16, KJV).  I like to think of the sap as Scripture. 

As my roots are in the river of God and my mind is soaked in the Word of God, something sprouts.  What is inside comes out.  Evergreen trees ignore the seasons.  When the summer heat is on or the winter winds blast, their leaves shine on.  So with my roots in the river and my mind in the Word, I can shine on too.  I can bring color to a drab landscape.  People can find relief from the heat under my evergreen tree in the summer, and shelter from the storm in the winter.  

An evergreen tree is a tree for all seasons, and so are Christians who determine to dress themselves in faith’s foliage.  Not only in the book of Jeremiah but also in David’s psalms the happy person is described as one whose “delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.  That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers” (Ps. 1:2-3).

The more the sap of Scripture fills my branches, the more my leaves shine.  The sap must flow unhindered through the branches.  It is my job to confess and abandon sin so there will be no blockages hindering the flow of life.  This life, given through the Word of God, will produce an ever green tree.  “It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green” (Jer. 17:8).

Read the Bible every day, and obey it every moment. Spend time with God. Then your leaves will be ever green.

 In Christ,

Jill Briscoe

There are 24 hours in a day and oh, how we fill those hours! We carefully color-code our schedules to maximize our days and pat ourselves on the back for a job well done while secretly feeling frazzled. Try looking at your schedule differently—as an act of worship. Think of your schedule as your service list—your offerings and sacrifices given to God. Your schedule may not change, but your attitude and how you carry out your responsibilities will.

May these devotions on time with God remind you that spending time with God is a way of plugging in to His power for your life.

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