“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received” (Ephesians 4:1).
When it was time for me to leave high school and go to college, the “vocational” teacher interviewed me to see if I had any idea of what I wanted to do with my life. “What vocation do you have in mind?” she asked me sternly. I went to a school that expected its graduates to pursue a vocation – no, not vacation – vocation! The idea of simply leaving to “get a job” was unthinkable.
Since the vocational opportunities for girls in my day were somewhat limited to the teaching and nursing fields, I hastily said “teaching,” though to be honest, the thought had never occurred to me till then! I had been taught that those privileged with higher knowledge are called to higher vocations! Certain behavior was expected of us – a worthy walk anticipated. I was left with no doubt that I had an obligation to live in a manner that would not besmirch the name of my school.
It is even more important for Christians who have “learned” Christ to live in a manner that does not besmirch the name of their Savior. This manner of living is described as a “walk.” It’s not a leap of faith, not one giant stride, but to quote my husband, “One simple, practical step after another. Certainly, as in ordinary walks, some steps will be greater than others, a few will be harder than others, and some will lead to higher ground than others, but the spiritual life is a walk.”
Are we living a life worthy of our calling in Christ?
Suggested Reading: Ephesians 4:1-5
Lord, thank You for the privilege of identifying myself as Your child. Remind me each day that my words, my actions, and my attitude all make a statement about who You are. Help me with each step I take in my walk to live worthy of the grace and love You have given me. Amen.