"Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before" (Daniel. 6:10).
Daniel is a good example to us of what it means to pray. When this mighty man of God prayed, he turned his face toward Jerusalem three times a day. The Scriptures say he was richly rewarded by visits from angels, visions of God, and answers to his prayers beyond his wildest dreams! This man was willing to endure a lions’ den rather than forsake his holy habit.
Would we be so faithful? There must be a must about our mindset and not a maybe. Our words and actions must say doggedly, “I’ll be there, Lord. I promise I will not neglect the great salvation you have given me.” How essential are these “essentials” in your life? Perhaps some of us need to start making up for lost time!
Lord, I want to be a woman who is mighty in prayer. Teach me to turn my face to You daily so that I might see Your heart and Your people as you do. Give me courage to pray big prayers like Daniel, and to pray unceasingly as he did. Help me to have a must mindset instead of a maybe mindset. Amen.