Do you have someone who will stand by you until the mission is finished, no matter the circumstances? If not, don’t be surprised if you're tempted to quit.
A friend recently lost her husband and gave me perspective on how leaders feel when they lose safe people they can count on. She said, “When the Bible said the two will be one, that’s exactly what happens. When a spouse dies, you lose a part of yourself. You try to keep going with half your heart missing.” I found relevance in her comments because, in a way, your righthand person in ministry is like a marriage. When you lose a co-laborer you depended on, you can feel alone and it’s often tempting to think your season is over. What can we learn from God's Word about this?
Jesus' Co-Laborers
Even Jesus had individuals He journeyed with in His mission. They were a critical part of His life. Peter, James, and John answered God’s call and left their businesses, and even their families, behind to travel around with Jesus. When looking for leaders, we need to find people who exhibit the same passion and commitment. If not, it can be hard to have co-laborers who stick with the mission.
However, there are seasons when even safe friends are distracted and not in sync with God’s timing. When Jesus was in Gethsemane and needed Peter, James, and John to pray with Him, they were distracted and ended up letting Him down. I can see Peter, James, and John explaining that they were tired and deserved some sleep. After all, weren’t they there for Jesus?
When Co-Laborers Fail
The challenge for us is that there are times when God's work can't wait. The help is needed for today. When you find yourself in such a situation where the team is not there for you, then you can look at what Jesus did.
Matthew 26:38-39 says: "Then he said to them, 'My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me.' Going a little farther, he fell with his face to the ground and prayed, 'My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.'"
Jesus was saddened that the one thing He asked His team to do they didn't do. Clearly disappointed He asked them, “Couldn't you men keep watch with me for one hour” (vs. 40)? But even though His teammates failed, Jesus didn’t hold a grudge. He forgave Peter, James, and John immediately without bitterness. When we're let down by others, we need to do the same. People will always fail us at one time or another, including our team.
During a time when Jesus felt very alone, He called out to His Father. Twice in the passage, we see the words “My Father.” When you feel displaced, when those around you aren’t supportive and you don’t know how life will fit or how you fit anywhere, it’s important you find your place of belonging in God Himself.
Be Clear About Who You Serve
When we settle in our spirit that our lives and mission belong to God, we will find our anchor in Him! When you feel alone in your journey and want to quit, it is critical that you are clear about what God’s mission for you is. He is the one who will keep you going. Jesus cried out, “Your will be done.” Knowing His will for you as you serve Him will help you through the tough times in ministry; it will help you endure for the long-haul.
It's hard to have staying power when you don't know why you are doing what you are doing. When you are weary and disappointed─reach out for help and ask God to provide ministry relationships with those who have staying power.