At Christmas we celebrate Emmanuel—God with us (Is. 7:14). But, how intentional are we about celebrating God within us? How would it transform your life if you were fully aware of His presence with you at all times, in every conversation, everywhere you went, not just on a daily, but a minute-to-minute basis? Today we can experience His presence in a very real and tangible way. Let's take a journey as I turn “The Twelve Days of Christmas” into “The Twelve Days of Practicing God’s Christmas Presence.”
On the 1st Day of Christmas... Praise in His Presence.
As you begin your 12 days of Christmas presence, what better way than to accept His invitation to "Come into his presence with singing and enter into His courts with praise" (Ps. 100:2-4). Put on some worship music, whether in your car or in your home, or on your phone. Put your earbuds in and listen as you go for a walk. Make a thankful list. Start a “joy journal,” recording simple joys that come your way. You might even consider offering up a sacrifice of praise; something that costs you time, energy, or money. "He inhabits the praise of His people" (Ps. 22:3).
On the 2nd Day of Christmas...Gather in His Presence.
Scripture is full of one anothers. "Bear one another’s burdens" (Gal. 6:2). "Encourage one another" (Heb. 10:24-25). "Pray for one another" (Js. 5:16). Consider the part of the body of Christ you represent and exercise your spiritual gift by putting it to practice.
Gather together with friends in a small group for a meal or time of sharing and fellowship. Call a God-friend today. Pray together. Make Jesus the center of conversation. Take turns answering the question, “What’s the Lord doing in your life?"
On the 3rd Day of Christmas...Reflect in His Presence.
Today read Lam. 3:19-26. The author provides a beautiful outline for us to use as we reflect on God’s presence in our lives: These things I recall: Take inventory of where you’ve been on your walk of faith. Make a timeline of your faith journey. At what points did you experience God’s presence more than others? What was it about those moments that made you aware of His presence with you?
Therefore I have hope. It’s as we see God’s faithfulness in our past that gives us a hope for tomorrow. Share your hopes and dreams with the Lord.
Great is His faithfulness, present tense! What is He doing in your life today? Who is He to you? Take some time to meditate on some of the names of God. List the ones you’ve come to know Him as. What name of God or character quality of His is most profound to you right now?
On the 4th Day of Christmas...Cleanse in His Presence.
Begin your day by closing your eyes and taking a deep breath. As you inhale picture yourself breathing in the fresh mercies of God, His peace, His love, His goodness, His grace, His holiness, His righteousness. Then exhale with a deep sigh, picturing all your worries, cares, concerns, fears, negative thoughts and bad attitudes or emotions being released to Him. Out with the bad and in with the good! If you’re feeling ambitious, clean your house today—top to bottom. As you clean your physical house, picture the aspects of your life each room represents and ask the Lord to cleanse you from within. Begin by praying "Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting" (Ps. 139:23-24).
On the 5th Day of Christmas...Fast in His Presence.
Fasting is a powerful spiritual discipline, especially when it comes to practicing His presence. Not only does fasting increase our awareness of the Lord’s presence, it heightens our spiritual senses as we commit a set time to the Lord for prayer. It can be a meal, 24 hours, or an extended period of up to 40 days. There are many examples of biblical fasting throughout Scripture: Daniel, Esther, Nehemiah, and Jesus are a few. Why don’t you research some of them today? It can be a full fast which is water or clear fluid for a time. Or it can be a partial fast, excluding or refraining from something you feel is controlling you or a habit you wish to break. For example: sugar/sweets, caffeine, social media, your tablet, television, Facebook, etc. You may find this a battle, in a very real way. Therefore, as you fast, be intentional about putting on the full armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18). Claiming Jesus’ victory over the darkness remembering that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4).
On the 6th Day of Christmas...Bless in His Presence.
Today use one of the gifts, talents, or resources God has given you to bless someone. Ask God to help you find a way to encourage that person. Turn your thoughts of that person into a prayer project. For example, if you’re crafty, knit a sweater, construct a scrapbook, or create an advent calendar for your family, make a wall hanging or household decoration with a focus on the person you’re creating it for, praying for them all the while you’re creating. Use today to revise your prayer list. If you enjoy the kitchen, bake or provide a meal to someone in crisis, a new mom, a new neighbor, a shut-in.
On the 7th Day of Christmas...Rest in His Presence.
On the seventh day, God rested from His work of creation (Gen. 2:2-3). So in the same way, on this seventh day of practicing His Christmas presence, accept His invitation to enter into that rest. Jesus said, “Come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest…for your soul (Matt. 11:28-30). Rest is a key factor in soul care. Rest gives us renewed perspective, refreshed energy, rejuvenated incentive, and recharged strength. The power of rest cannot be underestimated. Have a mid-day bubble bath. Read a book you’ve been neglecting. Take a nap. Enjoy a hot drink. In whatever form it takes, be intentional about nurturing your soul today through the gift of rest. We can rest in His presence because He never does. Let the Lord lead you beside still waters and restore your soul (Psalm 23:3).
On the 8th Day of Christmas...Walk in His Presence.
Galatians 5:15-25 says, "If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit." Start your day by asking Jesus, “What do you want to do today?” “Where do you want to go?” “Who do you want to see?” You can count on this being a fulfilling day as your awareness of His agenda unfolds! Go for a walk with Jesus today. Be aware of following in His steps wherever He leads you. Be mindful of opportunities He puts right on your path. Venture out on a prayer walk around your neighborhood. Wherever you walk, remember that you are Christ’s Ambassador (2 Cor. 5:20), the temple of His Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), His aroma (2 Cor. 2:15), the salt of the earth (Matt. 5:13), a reflection of His light (Matt 5:16).
On the 9th Day of Christmas...Listen in His Presence.
"He wakens me morning to morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught" (Is. 50:4b). Make today an all-day, ongoing conversation between you and the Lord. Put on the coffee and picture the Lord sitting there enjoying it with you. Make your every thought a prayer throughout your day. Be aware of His promptings. Listen to what you hear around you and take good notes, whether it’s in conversation with someone or purely the sound of His creation. Perhaps begin a journal today, —onto paper and out of mind. Consider making it a two-way conversation: Begin by reading a passage of Scripture. Stop when something strikes you. Write it down: Is it a challenge, encouragement, command, action, blessing, exhortation? Respond to what stands out to you. Turn back to Scripture to see what else the Lord might have to say. And again respond.
On the 10th Day of Christmas...Focus on His Presence.
Jesus is the reason for the season. So today fix your eyes on Him (Heb. 12:1-4). We live in a distracted world. Take some time to de-clutter and remove distractions, things that overwhelm you, or beg for your attention simply because they’re in your face or space. Then select a short portion of Scripture to read and meditate on (perhaps a psalm). As you read, you can be sure things will come to mind that will obstruct your focus. As they invade your thoughts write a “worry list” or a “to-do” list to be taken care of at a later time. Consider listing all your “to-not-do’s” to free your mental space up. Perhaps you’d like to write out a verse to memorize throughout the day. Or choose a word or a Scripture verse you could memorize and focus on this coming New Year.
On the 11th Day of Christmas...Bask in His Presence.
Take time today to "be still and know that He is God" (Ps. 46:10). When was the last time you set aside intentional time to simply be in God’s presence? Often times, we’re in such a hurry to get our time over with to get on with our life, when in fact, He is our life (Deut. 30:19-20). Choose a time when you’re guaranteed of solitude. This may be a challenge if you’re a young mom. If that’s the case, linger as long as you can. Light a candle to represent His presence today right there with you. Create an atmosphere that you’ll want to linger in. There’s something about extended time with the Lord, time set apart for solitude and silence, that allows Him to speak into it.
On the 12th Day of Christmas...Celebrate His Presence.
We live in a weary, grief-stricken world where loss is especially magnified at Christmas. It can therefore, be challenging to celebrate anything. Invite the Lord into your midst today and find a way to celebrate in whatever form it takes especially during this pandemic time. Plan family Zoom celebration where you can incorporate gift-giving, music, games, memory sharing, laughter and maybe even some tears. Light a candle to represent those who are unable to be with you due to death or distance. Enjoy a favorite snack of a loved one who’s missing. Have others contribute to a gift or a meal you can take to a nearby hospital for those who are unable to be home to celebrate.
In Your presence, Lord, there is fullness of joy, comfort, rejoicing, peace, hope, healing, companionship, assurance, refuge, blessing, love, kindness, faithfulness, guidance, wisdom, goodness, and mercy that shall follow me all the days of my life, not just at Christmas but throughout the year and for years to come. Thank you for always being present with me! Amen.