One aspect of prayer is saying thank you. Like the ten lepers who were healed by Jesus, only one came back to say thank you. We believers, cleansed from sin are all too often counted among the nine.
While in Asia, Stuart and I were staying with two of our veteran missionaries, Ken and Stephanie, who had served 19 years in tribal work in Papua New Guinea. One day we were talking about their family and how hard it had been for them to be, “always missing someone.”
Ken, one of six children, told us that he had a ninety-year-old mother in the United States and when her ninetieth birthday approached he realized he couldn’t get away from his remote location to be with her for this special occasion. What could he do he wondered? God gave him an idea of saying thank you in a very special way. He sat down with Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s words in his heart; “How do I love you—let me count the ways” and wrote down ninety ways he loved his mother! Ninety things he loved about her that he wanted to thank her for. Then he sent the list to his daughter in the States.
The birthday came. It was an unforgettable time and Ken’s family spent it with her. On the hour throughout the day the doorbell rang and ten beautiful roses arrived from Ken with a thank you attached to each—until ninety roses resided in vases around his much loved mother!
That night I thought about this very moving story and realized this was something I could do—not for a ninety-year-old mom—mine is long gone to glory, but for the One whom my soul loves to distraction—the Lord Jesus Christ to whom I owe so much. I determined to send Him ten thank you's an hour that day and my heart’s thanks for ALL the ways He had loved me.
Years ago, Andre Crouch composed a wonderful song,
“How can I say thanks for the things you have done for me? Things so undeserved yet you give them to prove your love to me. The voices of a thousand angels could not express my gratitude. All that I am and ever hope to be—I give them all to thee. TO GOD BE THE GLORY FOR THE THINGS HE HAS DONE!”
Ken had given me a reminder from Phil. 4:6 where the Scriptures tell us “In everything give thanks.”
God granted Ken his lifelong prayer that he could be with his mother at the end. How like the Lord! What a Savior! One aspect of prayer is thanksgiving. Send Him some roses today!