"A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver." (Proverbs 25:11)
We all have failings. I can remember a time when I felt like I might have offended a dear friend by words thoughtlessly spoken. I couldn’t rest until I’d sent her an email asking for her forgiveness. In no time at all, I received an email back from her made up of just three little words—“I love you.” Oh, the power of those three little words. They breathed new life into my spirit, while at the same time some words spoken thoughtlessly, and sometimes intentionally, can kill the spirit.
And yet, where would we be without words? Helen Keller was born in the year 1880, and after only nineteen months contracted a disease that medicine, at the time, knew little about. She lost her hearing and thus, her ability to speak. She also lost her sight. But something wonderful happened when in 1887 Helen’s parents hired Anne Sullivan, a partially blind woman herself, to be Helen’s teacher. Anne worked relentlessly with Helen until finally victory was theirs.
“Water” was Helen’s first word, and that spoken haltingly. Ah! But that one word—it increased over time until Helen found herself, more than once, standing before large crowds sharing with them her wondrous story. Thousands upon thousands, even to this day, have been blessed and inspired by the miracle and power of her words – and her life was forever changed.
When Jesus spoke from the cross the words, “It is finished” (John 19:30), heaven’s door began opening to all willing to embrace the Christ of the cross. In Christ’s dying agony, He also cried out, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). That was His “I love you,” to all mankind—that, His death upon the cross, and His resurrection.
God promises, “I will refresh the humble and give new courage to those with repentant hearts” (Isa. 57:15). And that’s exactly what He did for me in my moments of thoughtless words spoken. First of all, I was humbled before Him in my sin. And then He gave me the courage to seek forgiveness. What a refreshing! What amazing grace!
Would you like to do something beautiful today? Speak a word of love to some downhearted soul, and where needed, take care of matters regarding forgiveness, all in the name and for the glory of the Father. It may be a humbling experience, but remember the Father’s promise—He refreshes the humble and gives courage to those with repentant hearts. Yes, truly, “A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver” (Prov. 25:11). Why not be a blessing to someone today?
~ By Carole Rodger