As a mom of little ones, sometimes it’s hard to get together with friends. It feels like we’re pulled in many different directions, and yet we end up living a life of isolation because of all the immediate demands of raising children.
A friend and I planned to meet up for coffee one morning. It had been on the calendar for a week or two, but as the day got closer, I wished that I hadn’t agreed to it. I didn’t want anything to rock my routine, and I quickly allowed anxiety to fill my heart.
My children were not in school full time, and there were only a couple mornings when they were both gone at the same time. One had half-day kindergarten, and the other was in preschool three mornings a week. As a work-from-home mom, those were the days I set aside to accomplish work tasks.
Meeting with my friend meant that I didn’t have to arrange childcare, but it also meant giving up time to work, which meant that I’d have to fit it somewhere else in my schedule—earlier mornings or later nights.
Maybe I should cancel. It’s been a busy week, and I don’t really have the time right now. Maybe we should push it off for a day I’m not as busy. The thoughts and excused floated through my mind.
I had a cruddy attitude about getting together with her, yet I knew that spending time with her was exactly what I needed.
I needed out of the house. I needed a break. I needed to put someone else above my own desires. I needed friendship, community, and accountability.
And I needed coffee.
I am so ashamed of the heart attitude I had. I’m so ashamed of my silent grumbling, but we still got together on the scheduled day.
As soon as we sat down together at the coffee shop, all my anxiety and grumbling slipped away. I felt so much better being there with her. I felt at peace. I felt as though a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
Why did I struggle with it? Why did I want to cancel? Because Satan wanted me to continue living in isolation. He wanted me to think that I was doing okay on my own.
Talking with her put things in perspective. It was refreshing, and I left encouraged. Despite all the stress I created for myself, giving up my normal routine to spend time with a friend was just what I needed.
Isn’t it funny how that works?
Sometimes the things that interrupt our day and our routine are the things we need the most. Those interruptions end up being the most important part of our day.
I wonder what would happen if I allowed myself to be more open to the interruptions, instead of being stuck in my own expectations and my own little world.
It’s so easy to get wrapped up in our to-do list that we end up with tunnel vision and forget to focus on the people around us. We lose sight of the importance of being in community with other believers.
When I try to do it all on my own, instead of leaning on others and truly being part of the body of Christ, it only leads to stress and anxiety.
We were not meant to live this life on our own. We were meant to be in community and fellowship with other believers.
We need others to sharpen us. We need others to hold us accountable.
“As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” (Prov. 27:17).
We need to stay in the habit of meeting together, but we allow the craziness of life to get in the way.
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Heb. 10:24-25).
We are meant to encourage one another.
“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong—that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Rom. 1:11-12).
Did you catch that? “That you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” That’s what happens when we live life in community with other believers. That’s what happens when we allow our routine to be interrupted to do the will of God.
Let’s make it a priority to put our to-do list aside and focus on cultivating the relationships of those around us. Let’s encourage one another, being open about our struggles and setbacks. Let’s love one another, and watch God do an incredible work in our hearts and lives when we get out of His way.