The Word of God has become alive to me more and more each year. It doesn’t matter what circumstances I’m facing, it’s a lifeline, it grounds me, it strengthens my faith, and gives me direction. I can hardly wait to get into it every day. The principles of Jeremiah 17:8-9 have become my prayer: that I will plant myself in the soil of God’s love and send my roots into the living water of His Word do I don’t cease to bear fruit. Wow, to think we can bear fruit all year long by just taking in the living water of His Word on a regular basis. But how do we do this?
Here are some ways to hide God’s Word in your heart and live His Word.
1. Read until something strikes or stands out to you.
Watch for and take note of a single word, a verse, an entire passage, a concept, a truth, a principle, or theme that resonates with your heart. Then ask yourself why?
2. Ask good questions.
What impression did this Scripture leave upon my heart? What lesson, insight, or truth did I learn? What command should I heed? How can I apply this truth to my life? What new aspect of God’s character is He trying to reveal? What fruit of the Spirit or character quality is He developing in me?
3. Read an entire book of the Bible in one sitting.
This not only helps us to put verses into their proper context; it imbeds them more deeply into our hearts and gives us new perspective.
4. Read some of the highlights in your Bible.
Read highlights in the Bible to help you recognize and remind yourself how faithful the Lord was in various situations or times in your life.
5. Make it personal.
Insert your name anywhere there is a direct command, promise, or principle, or challenge.
6. Take note of words, principles, passages or themes.
Take notes of what you see that pertain to a situation or circumstance you’re dealing with, challenges you’re facing, relationships you’re involved with, guidance you’re in need of, wisdom you’re seeking. Highlight it and in the margin write the date and perhaps a key word that will bring that situation back to your memory for future reference.
7. Take special note of Biblical characters.
Pay attention to Biblical characters at different stages of your journey to see how they relate to them and what you can learn from them.
8. Prayerfully choose a verse.
Choose a verse at the beginning of every New Year or at significant times in your life. Commit it to memory. Watch for it to be lived out in your life.
9. Choose a verse to pray for your children.
I chose one that seemed to match their God-given personality.
10. Scripture in song.
Listen to scripture in song, it may strike a chord in your heart!
11. Put it into practice.
Do something with the impressions that God’s Word gives you. Record your thoughts asking questions and writing out Scripture verses. Then turn them into prayer.
12. Write out your prayer requests.
Write your prayer requests, then take time to read God’s Word to see if the Lord has anything to say in response.
13. Share the impressions God is laying upon your heart with a good friend.
This helps to process our thoughts and imbeds them in our hearts. Discuss them, meditate on them, search Scripture pertaining to them, pray about them, and feed into each other as iron sharpens iron (Prov. 27:17).
14. Use God’s Word as décor.
Use God's Word as decoration in your home. Post Scripture around your home.
15. Experience God’s Word.
God spoke a word and put the world into order! Go for a walk and experience God in His creation. Let God’s Word speak to you from what’s around you.
16. Make reading God’s Word a pleasant experience.
Put on the coffee, light a candle, play some inspirational music, have everything right at your fingertips.
17. Ask the Lord to give you a verse or passage of Scripture that will encourage someone else.
Find a Bible verse or passage that will encourage someone else. Who needs to hear this truth?