“Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children” (Ephesians 5:1).
Our son Pete wanted a bird! His sister had left for college, and he was feeling lonely. Without giving the matter much thought, I bought him a cockatiel. When Pete emerged from the bathroom after the first and last training session with his new-found friend, “Cornbread” (we found out later he should have been called “Cornelia”) was relegated to a life within the walls of the cage in Pete’s room. “Talk to him, Pete,” I urged my son over the next few weeks; but the novelty of the pet wore off and my urging was to no avail. We donated Cornbread to a friend (now an enemy!) and told her, “Don’t worry when you hear deep breathing in the middle of the night!” The poor bird had heard nothing more than Pete’s deep, slumbering sighs, and so had imitated them! Have you ever heard a cockatiel deep-breathe? It’s eerie.
But all of us learn by imitation, by following others’ examples. Paul said, “Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ” (1 Cor. 11:1). We are to watch carefully, listen acutely, and pick up every inflection of our master’s voice!
Would we want people following our example? The very fact that we are being watched should force us to deal with our erratic behavior and not cause others to stumble. Jesus had some hard words about people who cause others to fall. He said it would be better if stones were tied around their necks and they were cast to the bottom of the sea (Luke 17:2)!
Suggested Reading: Ephesians 5:1-7
Lord, it is a sobering thought that people who know I follow You are watching my life to see what that means. Keep me listening for every inflection of Your voice. Give me wisdom each day to follow You close and imitate only You. Amen.