“When I think of the wisdom and scope of God’s plan, I fall to my knees and pray to the Father, the Creator of everything in heaven and on earth” (Ephesians 3:14-15).
Paul was kneeling before the Father. No matter that a Roman guard was in the room, perhaps even chained to him no matter whether the guard was scoffer or brother. Paul was on his knees.
You know, seeing someone pray has great impact! I will never forget one instance when I was a student and had been sent with a message to the president of the student body. Knocking briefly, I rudely burst into the girl’s room and found her at prayer. The sight of this beautiful girl, unashamedly bowing her knees to the Lord Jesus Christ, had a profound effect on me. I was somehow angry with her because she made me feel awkward, and yet her very body language preached an eloquent sermon of commitment that I badly needed to hear! I would not have listened to her words, but I could not ignore her message.
We do not always have a quiet room to run to. Sometimes, the most important praying must be done in the midst of turmoil, people, and problems. I don’t think any one of us will be forced to have our quiet time as Paul did, accompanied by the clanking of chains. It’s so easy for us—but we don’t do it. People like Paul, prisoners for Christ, pray for us. It’s time that free people prayed too.
Suggested Reading: Ephesians 3:14-21
Lord, we need to be a people that pray without ceasing. I need to remember that it is an ongoing conversation, sometimes formal, sometimes informal. But when I keep talking to You, it brings awareness to me of You in my world and everything fades away. Thank You. Amen.