“Behold, I send My messenger before your face, who will prepare your way before you” (Matthew 11:10).
Do you know what your gift is? Are you a voice, a hand, an ear, or an eye? Knowing is the first step, doing is the second.
John the Baptist knew he was “a voice.” He knew his gift was strong, easily heard! He preached mighty sermons in the open air and no one had any difficulty listening and understanding. John’s sermons were not designed to win friends. In one sermon, he called some of the people snakes; others, hypocrites; and he finished up with a punch line about God chopping them up and using them for firewood (see Matt. 3:7-10).
Another time he was hauled in front of Herod. He knew the king had the power to put him to death. But he also knew he was called to be “the voice.” So he looked the king right in the eye and said, “It is not lawful for you to have your brother’s wife” (Mark 6:18). Now of course the lady in question did not like him saying that and decided to silence him once and for all.
Sometimes it’s dangerous to be a voice. At other times it’s damaging to our relationships or our reputations. But if we’re a voice and have to make headway in people’s lives so Jesus can enter, there’s no option. We have to speak up so they have the chance to clear up the mess.
Knowing what we should say is one thing. Saying it is another.