"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all." (2 Thessalonians 3:16)
Christ desires us to have peace. If we do not have it, we miss part of the blessings of being a Christian. Now there’s a simple statement! But I think we make it too hard. Too complicated. We think that finding peace when we are in the midst of a storm can only be for the super saint who knows how to have super faith. Since most of us know ourselves well enough to know we are not super anything, we figure such experiences are not for us.
No, Christ wants every Christian to experience His peace. How many of us lived in peace this past week? Have you had peace today? If not, what is wrong?
The word peace runs through the whole Bible. In the Old Testament in the wonderful words of a benediction used by the priests, the promise is: “The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace” (Numbers 6:26). Here it is a gift of God.
Where does peace begin? In the words of Job’s friend Eliphaz, “Acquaint now yourselves with Him and be at peace” (Job 22:21). Finding peace begins as we get acquainted personally with the mighty Prince of Peace. The Messiah is foretold as the Prince of Peace.
His peace enters the heart by the Holy Spirit and makes it independent of all outside conditions. We cannot hope for a life without sorrow. To love is to weep sometimes in the journey of life. One of two friends must hold the other’s hand and stand by the other’s coffin. But when joy isn’t possible, peace is. The peace of God can turn sorrow into joy. And we can sing away the pain! Try praising!
I loved this poem in my ‘old’ book:
God hasn’t promised skies ever blue
Flower-strewn pathways always for you
God hasn’t promised sun without rain
Joy without sorrow
Peace without pain.
But God has promised
Strength from above
Unfailing sympathy
Undying love.
And with this knowledge comes peace. Peace in the pain and sorrow. Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee (Is 26:3). There’s the promise.
Almighty God, in moments of turmoil and unrest, we turn to You, the source of true peace. Quiet the anxieties, fears, and worries that trouble our minds. Even when we cannot fully understand Your ways, surround us with Your comforting presence and envelope us in Your true and perfect peace. Amen.