Do you ever wonder where your place is? Or what it is? You cannot find your niche and life gets more confusing by the minute. There are certainly enough people ready to tell you what you’re supposed to be doing, but you can’t listen to all of them. In addition, certainly not all of them will be right. It’s very possible that not a single one of them knows what’s right for you. Your story is just that—yours. Your journey can be mapped out only by your own cooperation with our heavenly Father.
The place to start in knowing your place is in the Scriptures. By this, I don’t mean that by reading a certain piece of holy writ you will know automatically whether or not to get some biblical training or which women’s group (if any) to teach, or which event to organize. But let’s see what the Bible has to say about the place of women in God’s economy.
Psalm 139 tells us that God has searched and known us thoroughly. It says it’s impossible to run away and hide from the Spirit of God (vs.7-12). It assures us God will be a light in our dark hours and a secure presence at all times (vs. 10, 12). Verses 13-16 are wonderful words. Our loving Creator carefully crafted us according to the purpose for our existence. Even before we were born, He was thinking about us and the days we have ahead. “All the days (not just some of them, and not just the good ones) ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be” (vs. 16). The psalmist says these are wonderful thoughts. I would concur.
But Psalm 139 was not written for David alone. It was written for all of us. We women are handmade to be handmaidens! He has ordained (set aside for Himself) every twenty-four hours; how could our days ever be daily again? After reading this passage, I wrote in the margin of my Bible: A clean page is turned in heaven every day—God has His pen in His hand; He’s ready to write about me—how exciting!