We can all relate to the ongoing need for renewal in the midst of our busy day. However, we are seemingly on the run from early morning till late at night and can't seem to find the precious minutes to be still. Over and over again women tell me what an ongoing struggle this is for them. I quite understand, it's an ongoing struggle for me too!
In Luke 10 we meet Martha who was seemingly too busy to be blessed. Jesus did not rebuke her busyness but rather her anxiety about it. He would take our worry about our work away from us, relieving us of the stress that is so often the straw that breaks the camel's back. Martha's problem is so often ours. We are distracted by our much serving and become as someone has said more concerned with the work of the Lord than the Lord of the work! It is so easy to do. There was nothing wrong with Martha’s love and devotion for Jesus. But busyness that hustles out to meet the day without meeting Jesus first, is busyness that will soon be busy bossing everyone around, getting irritated, self righteous and downright hostile with everyone in sight. What is more, it is an activity that will end up in an accusing, Lord, don't You care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me (Luke 10:40b)!
Of course He cares! He would have us join Mary at His feet so He can tell us how much He cares. You might be tempted to think it was easy for Mary. She was obviously of a very different temperament than her sister. But we must be careful; we mustn’t presume we really know what Mary’s temperament was like. Some commentators point out that Jesus said she had chosen the better part. If this was the case, they suggest perhaps she was Martha before she was Mary That's a neat thought. Maybe Mary was even more of a Martha than Martha! The point is whatever our temperament or inclination to worship, we all need to make a daily choice to meet Him sometime, someplace that fits our particular schedule. If we do, we will go out to serve with His blessing resting on our service, His peace in our hearts, His joy on our lips. If we don't take time to be renewed, we'll end up earning a well-earned rebuke at the end of the day!
So come ye apart and rest awhile ⎯ as Jesus invited you. If you don't, you may well find yourself coming apart!
- Take your calendar off the wall and find the best time (it will probably be different each day) to meet with the Lord. Write it on your schedule and then keep your appointment.
- Start with 15 minutes a day (don't be overly ambitious).
- Have a plan. Select a short portion of Scripture as something to remember and write it down in a notebook. Record written prayer requests ⎯ if you don't know where to start, try the epistles ⎯ Philippians maybe.
- “Be still” and know that He is God ⎯ sometime during this exercise.
- Be faithful ⎯ and if you are, you will be blessed. Then it follows, if you are blessed you will be bound to be a blessing!
Have a plan to follow up with some of these suggestions and implement them into your own time with God⎯you might just discover how your relationship with God and life can become freshened instead of frantic!