“Simon Peter, Thomas (called Didymus), Nathanael from Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two other disciples were together. ‘I’m going out to fish,’ Simon Peter told them, and they said, ‘We’ll go with you.” (John 21:2-3).
A Christian call involves commitment to a Person – Jesus Christ. Commitment involves a commission to a cause. A commission, or a sense of calling to a cause without a commitment to the Person of Christ, has nothing to do with Christianity.
There are many worthy causes in the world. But let us never mix them up with the Christian cause. When Jesus says, “Follow Me,” He calls us first and foremost to a relationship with Himself. As we follow Him, He leads us into a needy world and directs us to tasks specifically designed for us.
When Jesus called Peter to follow Him, Peter had to make an initial decision. He had to say, “Yes, I will,” or “No, I won’t.” He said yes. He committed his life to Jesus. After Jesus was crucified, Peter went back to his fishing. He realized that without a personal ongoing relationship with Christ, the cause was meaningless. When Christ talked with him by the Sea of Tiberius, He restored that relationship and commissioned him to feed His flock (v. 17).
The Acts of the Apostles is the record of the results of that meeting. In Acts, we see Peter committed to the cause of Christianity because he is committed to the Person of Christ.
Are you trying to serve the cause without having met the Christ? It won’t work. Have breakfast with Jesus. Meet Him by your seashore of failure and listen to Him. Then do what He tells you to do. You – and your world – will never be the same again.
Lord, thank You for calling me to a personal relationship with You. Thank You for walking with me daily through my life. Give me a true heart of enthusiasm for Your cause here on earth, so that I can accomplish the work You have planned for me. Most importantly, help me to always show the world that my work for You is driven by and dependent on this wonderful relationship I have with You. Amen.