While doing laundry or washing dishes, my mind wanders to my favorite spot at times. What’s your spot—the place where the Lord’s peace and love wash over you? Mine is the Jetties in Destin, Florida.
As I sit on those enormous rocks that overlook the Gulf of Mexico, I am in awe of the seagulls soaring just above the water, the egrets sharing the rocks with me, and the sun sinking below the horizon. I breathe in God’s presence there. When I was sixteen-years-old, I discovered the Jetties on a run, and over twenty years later, I still visit my place. I feel God’s freedom and peace there. His power.
Then reality hits me, and I am scrubbing another dish, folding another shirt, and gathering mismatched socks. How do we find the Lord in the mundane? How do we find joy in the ordinary?
Mother Teresa once said, Wash the plate, not because it’s dirty, nor because you’re told to wash it, but because you love the person who’ll use it next.
This quote struck me. It transforms the way I view my daily chores. Is my mind flooded by complaints and frustrations as I do ordinary tasks? Or do I put love into my actions by praying for the person who will use the next dish or wear the clothes I just folded? I am challenged to shift my perspective.
Sometimes I get so hung up on everything I am doing. Does anyone notice? And then, I read a quote like this, and my selfishness is so clear. It is an honor to have the ability and opportunity to wash dishes and take care of the people I love most. That is experiencing the kingdom of God. Do we really need to be in our favorite spots to experience His power, love, and presence?
While these places are restoring, I have discovered that we can meet the Lord in the midst of monotony: during that tenth load of laundry, driving carpool, finishing another project, or cleaning the hundredth mess that day. First John 1:16 says, “Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.” The Lord lives within us when we are caring for those around us moment-by-moment. We are becoming more like Him as we carry out our daily, monotonous tasks.
It’s liberating to know that whether we are in our favorite place or folding laundry, the Lord is with us just the same. In Jesus’ words, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).
As you love those around you by folding laundry, scrubbing dishes, and searching for mismatched socks, remember that there He is with you.
~ By Linsey Driskill. Linsey is a wife, mother to triplets, writer, and speaker. Additionally, she's been published in: Focus on the Family, Her View from Home, MOPS, ForEveryMom, and Just Between Us. Follow her on Instagram and Facebook @BeautifulHeartedParenting.